Argument-Centered Education delivers several-day, full-day, and half-day professional development workshops and seminars to full faculties, to select cohorts of teacher-partners, and to instructional leadership teams (a variation on the ‘train-the-trainer’ model). Our professional development offerings typically function to develop educators’ understanding of argument-centered pedagogy, while also introducing modules of argument-centered instruction curriculum, and engaging participants in actual classroom-simulated argumentation and debating.
Argument-Centered Education professional development is delivered in a range of formats, including electronically. All of our PD is based in a highly collaborative and interactive approach, and conducted by national leaders in the field with unparalleled experience. Reviews of ACE professional development offerings are consistently among the highest possible – which is one reason why the Chicago Public Schools Department of Literacy has selected for three straight years Argument-Centered Education as one of its few external professional development providers for its Social Science Academy.
Argument-Centered Education professional development workshops and seminars typically have special emphasis and specific examples that draw from the relevant academic disciplines. These workshops employ the innovative and research-tested practice of collaborative professional development, in an environment of mutual respect, sharing of ideas and strategies, and collegial improvement of professional performance.