Argument-Centered Education designs highly specific, carefully adapted argument-centered curriculum and instructional resources for its partner-schools, and in close collaboration with its partner-teachers.  These resources can be placed in five categories. The categories are described below, with typical examples provided.   There are literally hundreds more examples in a library expanding weekly available to Argument-Centered Education partners.

Partner Resources

If you are from a school, network, or district that partners with Argument-Centered Education, click the link below to access the full library of argument-centered resources

Click Here

Violent Video Games Debate

Click the button below to see an example of a classroom debate from a middle school social studies class on whether young people should be allowed to play violent video games.

Click Here


Argument Builder (HS)

Argument Builder (MS)

Counter-Argument Builder


Argument Activities

These range very widely but are all unified by integrating academic argument key components into core curriculum, so that all students in a classroom are engaged in efficient, focused argumentation on central questions in the units teachers are currently teaching.

Samples from math:

Argument-Oriented Math Questioning

Argument-Oriented Math Questioning Tracking Form



 Argument Games

There are times when the most pedagogically useful and productive way to develop students’ understanding of and proficiency with academic argument is through gamification. Argument-Centered Education has a slate of academic argument games that target individual key components in argument-centered pedagogy.

Samples from social science:

Rapid Fire Evidence
Identification Format

Rapid Fire Evidence
Identification Clues



Argumentative Writing

A substantial portion of all Argument-Centered Education resources culminate in college-directed argumentative writing projects. Argument in the classroom can be understood as a preparation for more informed, more critical-thinking rich, more engaging academic writing; an argument-centered approach in the classroom is the best approach for helping to improving students’ writing.

Samples from science:

Van Helmont Photosynthesis Argument Project

Van Helmont Photosynthesis Project Assessment Form

Van Helmont Photosynthesis Project Assessment Rubric


Argument-Centered Education has also developed argumentative writing modules applicable across literacy instruction. These ‘analytic comparison’ exercises are for middle-schoolers learning to use textual evidence and engage in refutation in their writing.

Samples from writing:

Analytic Comparisons – Evidence

Analytic Comparisons – Refutation



Multi-Sided Debates

Educators very often express to us that they have tried debating in the classroom but with disappointing results. Argument-Centered Education has a wealth of resources and experience to help ensure that classroom debates are high points during the school year, far exceeding expectations, building an academic culture, and engaging all students in rigorous and standards-aligned work.
One category of classroom debating resources we use are those built around an issue that has multiple sides or several possible best answers.  These debating formats are often organized with students working in groups to defend one of those positions in relation to the others.

Samples from English language arts:

Macbeth Clash of Interpretations Overview

Macbeth Clash of Interpretations Format

Macbeth Clash of Interpretations Selected Passages

Analytic Comparisons – Refutation

Macbeth Clash of Interpretations Tracking Form




Samples from physical/health education:

Diet Debates Overview

Diet Debates Speech Sequence

Diet Debates Media List

Diet Debates Tracking Form

Diet Debates Assessment Form

Diet Debates Assessment Rubric



Binary Debates

The other category of classroom debates is the one many people think of when they think of debating: the two-sided or binary debates (pro/con, point/counterpoint, affirmative/negative) on a carefully-formulated debatable question or issue. Argument-Centered Education has innovated formats in this category to ensure that they include the proper steps of argument-building and preparation, that they involve all students in a class (not solely the debater-speakers), and that they are truly rigorous.

Samples from social science:

Income Inequality Micro/Macro Argumentation Side Preference Form

Income Inequality Micro/Macro Argumentation Media List

Income Inequality Micro/Macro Argumentation Tracking Form


Samples from English language arts:

Graphic Novels Table Debates Overview

Graphic Novels Table Debates Format

Graphic Novels Debatable Issues

Graphic Novels Table Debates Argument Builder

Graphic Novels Table Debates Tracking Form